Kissamos News

GREEK-GERMAN READING FESTIVAL ‘Writers for Peace’ – Paleohora May 13th – 21st

READING FESTIVAL Paleochora May 13 - May 21
READING FESTIVAL Paleochora May 13 – May 21

The 3rd Greek-German READING FESTIVAL with a rich and varied program takes place from May 13 to May 21, 2016 in Paleochora.

This year’s motto: ‘WRITERS FOR PEACE’.

Το Τρίτο Ελληνο-Γέρμανικο Φεστιβάλ Συγγραφεων θα πραγματοποιηθεί.

Λαμβάνοντας υπ’όψη, ολα τα γεγονότα που συμβαίνουν στον ωμορφο πλανήτη μας, αποφασίσαμε να κάνουμε το φετεινό φεστιβάλ Συγγραφέων να εχει σαν σύνθημα “Συγγραφείς για τήν Ειρήνη”.

Το 2015 έγινε με επιτυχία το δεύτερο φεστιβάλ στην Βαΐμάρη οπου συντάχθκε και κυκλοφόρησε η ΔΙΑΚΗΡΥΞΗ ΕΙΡΗΝΗΣ Greek των Συγγραφέων.Φέτος στην Παλαιοχώρα θα συμπληρωθούν οι υπογραφές.

Participating authors :

For detailed programme go to:

For visitors speaking English only:
see ‚HIGHLIGHTS’ below for the highly interesting visit to the outstanding mountain village Azogiréz with its Monastery. Guided tour in English.

Night readings on the Sandy Beach, an excursion to the small, authentic village of Azogréz, including a visit to the Monastery in the caves, led by Eftichis ‚Lucky’ Koukoutsakis, a drawing workshop for children ‚Drawing for Peace’ – just to mention a few activities- have been organised within the diverse framework of the festival, which offers cultural delights for everyone.


Friday 13th May

10:00 first get together, meeting the authors
At the Kafenion Cosmogonia, village centre

20:30 official  festival opening in front of the KEP

With Jörg Krüger (Radio Crete), Edit Engelmann, Marion Schneider, representatives of the Municipality of Paleohora und S.E. Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos,Ambassador a.H.
Afterwards leisurely get-together.
In front of the KEP ( Citizen Services Centre – Κέντρo Εξυπηρέτησης Πολιτών)
and at other places in Paleohora

Thursday 19th May:  ‘English – Greek – German Day’;) including traditional Greek food

10:00 trip to the mountain village Azogirés, 7km from Paleochora.

Meeting point: Kafenion Cosmogonia, village centre

On the way to the cave monastery stroll through the olive growing village Azogirés.

Guide: Eftichis (Lucky) Koukoutsakis

2-3 hours guided tour of the site, then traditional food in Alfa Kafenio.
Fee € 19,-

Everybody can participate.

Registration is requested at: or +30 6907 978,845th,

Trip back to Paleochora on your own.

Knowing Eftihis and the village of his ancestors personally, I can only recommend this visit to Azogiréz. Eftihis speaks excellent English !

Friday 20th May

21:30 night reading with sea view

Melitta Kessaris and the Greek Chaos

On the premises of RADIO CRETE in Koundouras(west of Paleochora)

Saturday 21st May

From 10:00 onwards: Meeting readers and authors

Parting and future plans

Selection of the best children’s picture etc ..

Location: Kafenion Cosmogonia, village centre

Books buffet’ and  ‘CHILDREN DRAWING FOR PEACE’  activity under the guidance of Julia Vladimirova and Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos.
The best picture will be included in the Book of the Festival 2016 ( containing stories everyone adds plus current photos).
Proceeds from the festival will go to the social department of the Municipality in Paleochora or for animal welfare in the village.

A thousand  thanks and congratulations to Radio Crete and all the other organizers of this Reading  Festival with its extensive program, organized on a zero budget!

Χίλια ευχαριστώ, και συγχαρητήρια για την εξαίρετη εργασία σας. Συγχαρητήρια για
Radio Κρήτης και  σε όλους τους διοργανωτές  του φεστιβάλ για τη διοργάνωση της εκδήλωσης  σε έναν προϋπολογισμό μηδενικό.